Sunday 3 April 2011

A very very rough Draft of my section of the presentation

Hi my name is Rebecca Randall, as a part of our research we all went away to and perform our own research on what childhood meant to the general population. What came to mind, what reminded them of childhood, was it an object/toy, moment or a concept. For me and fellow friends and peers it was toy crazes or holidays. I have decided to go down the Holiday route as I feel this will reach a wider audience. As such I went down to Cornwall and took many snaps of the beach and the surrounding. As well as this, I have also delved into my own childhood holiday snaps. Like Sarah and Hatty I wanted to give a personal direction to the project, so for me I have used the memory of being on a holiday on an English Beach. Searching for wildlife through the rock pools, collecting shells, and making sand castles with my brother are vivid memories for me. I want to approach my project on the basis of it been light and a reflection of the happy memories we hold as though looking at through rose tinted glasses. One of the reasons for this positive outlook on childhood memories is because my solo project is on dark dreams.  So for me personally this is a balancing piece, a less heavy light hearted piece.
For the exhibition, I am still in the experimental stage on what I will present in the exhibition. I know I want to produce and installation piece however I am torn between a textile piece or a sculptural installation.  I have been inspired by an artist called Anita Pullan, who has used memories as the basis of her piece. She had used objects that she has personal attachment to her memories that she wants to visualize. She places them in slip-cast and press mould in porcelain and bone china. She then adds gold lustre to them therefore giving them economic value as a visual representation of their value in her memory of them. I love this concept
However I am also drawn to the textile artist Carole Kirk where her rudimentary drawing in book formed remind me of a collaboration between childish drawing with the photo album look. I will continually experiment with both and till I feel drawn to a path that will both compliment my fellow group members and satisfy what I want to portray as well.

Please help me with this draft and hoping rob will look through it but who knows.
Also I feel we should meet as I feel we all are saying similar things so we may need to edit our pieces so that there is an intro dictating how the idea came about and our research method and then go into  the indivdual paths we wish to take the projects, what do you think??

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