Sunday 3 April 2011

presentation draft

Our group project as mentioned is centred on childhood memories. Whilst researching many aspects of child hood memories the most prevalent would have to be toys and games, a person’s strongest memories in many circumstances are either the happiest or saddest moments of one’s life experiences. The research I found to have a broad range of responses upbringing, background, ethnic, age and race play a part in your memories as a child.

As part of my research I asked many members of family, friends, work associates and customers and for my final section of research I am currently awaiting a CBR check so that I may conduct a half hour research lesson with one class from each year at Sebright primary school located in Haggerston east London. The ages will range between 4 and 12.

For each class I intend to encourage them to work in groups of 3-5, think about the games they play today whether at home or in the playground and record them on paper, this will constitutes the first 15 minutes of the lesson, for the remaining 15 minutes each child will be provided with paper onto which if they choose to partake I would like them to depict an image of a happy memory. I’m not yet sure if I will use any of the images I collect but if I do decide that to be the case evidently I will seek written permission from the parents to use them in the exhibition.

For part of my contribution to the exhibition I want to use at least one of my childhood memories from spending my summers in Cyprus with my grandparents as a child. Although spending my summers in a central part of the country there was little much to do unless driven to the beach or attending family events such as dinners and barbeques. So naturally when a child finds themselves in such a setting they derive their own methods of entertainment, so I and my cousins would make our own darts from tailor pins, bird’s feathers and melted tarmac using boards of wood as targets with either a ring of circles or crosses drawn upon them. I plan to recreate these darts and pin them in the shape of Cyprus to portray one of many of my childhood memories.

If anyone would like to contribute their memories for the project feel free to note them down and leave them in our studio spaces , they can be anonymous .


  1. Thats a really eloquent piece of writing hatty. It balances out group and personal well. I feel reading yours, sarahs and mine we keep repeating the same method of research. I feel that maybe we should have an intro, explaining the research method we all did and include how we come to be using the concept of childhood memories. What do you think. Sarah and I could write that in the morning. If time prevails discuss it before our lecture. What do you think?

  2. Hatty,
    I think its great that you have thought out your research in such depth, im keeping my fingers crossed that you get your CRB check through a.s.a.p and i also really like the "home-made" aspect of your idea.
    This will bring a new element to our exhibition,especially as it is from Cyprus as alot of our ideas are from the UK.
    Well done for coming to the presentation,it must have been so stressful yet you gave a very informative and relaxed talk I felt it was very good.:-)
