Saturday 23 April 2011

Tate Visit Part 2

The second exhibition we saw was the Miro and although I didnt enjoy this show as much as Orozco (there is only so much surrealist i can look at,unless its Dali!) a few pieces stood out for me:

Still Life with Old Shoe 24th Jan-29 May 1937, a gorgeous oil painting as its so vibrant-quite 70's psycedelic as it literally pops out at the audience. The brushwork in this painting is very fluid and smooth too.

Alot of Miros work at the Tate has very surreal,strange and simplistic characters in them which reminded me of children drawings,and although its not my cup of tea i did enjoy looking at: Women Encircled by the Flight of a Bird 1941
as i like the way Miro has composed this painting. His use of colours and shapes translate into a work which is aesthetically pleasing to view and creates a story for the audience.

Self Portrait 1937-8-23 appears to be another simple,almost graffiti like work but on closer inspection reveals a detailed image of the artist face. He used a magnified shaving mirror and focussed on the shapes and lines of his face.
This combined with the simple protrait on top makes me think of a person who appears one way on the surface, yet is quite complex and complicated underneath.

Burnt Canvas 1973 is part of a series of work where the artist wanted to paint "fire with fire". Its a dramatic section of work, helped by how the work has been displayed as there are a few which hang over the audience.
The scorched holes are quite an alien intrusion as its not something you normally see in a gallery, yet i felt it was an positive effect on the works as they appear to be more sculptures or installations than paintings as you can see the gallery space behind them,as well as the frame for the canvases.These gave an interaction with the space that "regular" paintings dont.

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