Monday 4 April 2011

finalised draft

"I'd give all wealth that years have piled,
The slow result of Lifes decay
To be once more a little child
For one bright summer day "

Lewis Carroll- "Solitude"

My name is Sarah Mansour and our theme for this project is "Childhood". We chose this as it was a word that came up in a mind mapping session that sparked off many enthusiatic conversations and inspiring ideas -especially as there are a multitude of artforms and material the representation of childhood can take.

As childhood is unique to the individual, in particular our memories, we thought exhibiting multiple piece or pieces from each of us, rather that one collaborative idea would mean we would be more likely to connect with our intended audience. and hopefully they can take comething away from the experience.

Personally, I feel childhood is a fickle time as children yearn to be a "grown-up",to be listened to and free to live the life the way we want to,rather than what our parents want. Yet looking back when your older we fondly remember a time without responsibilities and pressure,skinned knees,adventure, endless summers and the only worries about the future is what mum is putting on for tea.

Our group project also fits in with my other practice: my solo project which is a screen,inspired by the great Hokusai, which depicts images and memories from my own childhood in Munster.
Whether we include this in our show or not, we are looking forward to showing a positive collaboration in the exhibition.
Our ideas for the exhibition include: hopscotch either hand drawn and taped with masking tape, an interactive board with post-it-notes, hand made toys and recollections of childhood holidays.

Next up is Becky who will be talking about her direction on the project. Thank you.

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