Wednesday 23 March 2011


Spoke to the head teacher of Sebright primary school which my daughter attends, asking if it would be possible to host an half hour lesson with one class from each year, so as to be able to research the 'play ground games' that are currently playing apart in the shaping of memories for the future of the younger generation.The school has agreed that this will be able to take place but I am currently still awaiting written confirmation.


  1. Ages of children will range from 4years old to 12 years old.

  2. really think this is a brilliant idea,just concerned about the time as i know it can take awhile for schools to organise this kind of thing.
    it would be fantastic to have this level of involvement from children,i feel we now need to focus on what we wont to produce for the exhibition and the actual wording of the presentation.
    we only have 2 weeks left before the presentation and im desperate to wrap it up so that we have time to practice.
    i hate presentaions so i need as much practice as possible :-(

    do u still want to get your hands on old toys hun? x

  3. That is a great idea, although I agree with Sarah the school may take an age to get back to you. Although even if it doesnt happen before the presentation it would still be great by the exhibition
