Tuesday 8 March 2011


Tomorrow travelling to the V&A Museum of Childhood. After last weeks discussions i wanted to photograph images of abandoned toys that i may come across on my travels or even visit a dumping ground/site.Another idea is to experiment with the mutilation of dolls and stuffed toys such as teddy bears maybe strategicly placed in public with photographic evidence.
I have previously created pieces involving obscure phobias and found this very interesting, over my life time i have come to be acquainted with a few people that have a fear of clowns, so this is also another area that i am looking to experiment with.7
Need to start collecting friends an families unwanted toys and trinkets so as to begin experimenting, enabling me to have a clearer idea as to which route i want to take with this project.


  1. i also have a fear of clowns,Susan Hiller has an installation with Punch and Judy..check it out hun as its very creepy!!

    also badly need to clear out abis toy box so you are more than welcome to have the casts off if your interested?

    your idea sounds really interesting and also sad?what would your message be to the audience hun? x

  2. p.s did u see the rusted trike on top of the shelf in the Space studio office on monday?
    looked like a survivor from a cold war!
    also got me thinking about the difference between generations as in how much more we played outside compared to todays generation...

    imagine..neglected toys,bikes etc whilst inside houses/homes the artificial t.v lights are blazing as future generations grown up socially isolated and densentisized..
