Wednesday 30 March 2011

Beach themes pieces!

I thought a a from the research  we all did with people we know and our own childhood, holidaying and especially beach holidays were a common feature. Here's a few selection above of the pictures I took at Cornwall (hopefully as it keeps telling me about the internal server not working!!! o I hate technology)

I was inspired on this holiday and I have become really interested in taking this sunny holiday root with my work for the exhibition, if you have no objections of course. I think it would compliment nicely the hopscotch and games we are intending to have as well at the exhibition.

I want my piece(s) to be a reflection of the positives we have of our childhood. The innocence and playfulness that we believe childhood holds.

What do you think??

Hey heres the recording of the meeting from ages ago, sorry it took so long

i hope it works!!!

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Hey, so sorry for not uploading sooner.

These Books were like memories, locked away, frayed and patchy with bits missing.

These remind me of old jotters, full of notes and scribbles

These are the photo from the Susan Hiller exhibition that's in the Tate Britain. From the 1st of February to the 15th of May. 

 sorry for the delay in uploading them.


Barbies, sterotypically where a large part of all little girls lives and mixes it with Jewellery. I find it quite creepy what do you think?


Boardgame art!!

As we were discussing earlier about boardgames being an icon for childhood, I began to look into art pieces inspired or made out of boardgames and i came across this:
I don't know if its something you would be interested in.
Board Game Statues

Ideas for exhibition...

as we are not sure about the amount of space we have,or even the type pf space (oh the joys of organization at London Met!!), I was thinking of pieces that are portable such as chalk hopscotch drawn throughout the gallery..with permission from our fellow arty peers of course!
plus i still have those wooden boards so we can hang them up to use for our interactive part maybe with the question: what does childhood mean to you?

was also thinking of recording my kids singing songs,playing pat a cake etc to play in the exhibition...what do u guys think of this?

Im also really stuck on having a large furniture piece,the whole sense of perspective to help the audience feel "small" again..ive just got some calico so we could paint a large chair onto there to pin up?or we could aquire a chair from somewhere and modify it?

any feedback pls?


Most of my happiest childhood memories are from my summer holidays spent in Cyprus as a young child.I remember playing games like 40/40 which is where one person faces a wall counts to 40 while the rest of the players hide out of sight the counter then has to look around to see if they can spot any persons partaking if so they go back to their base shouting 40/40 i see you before the other person gets to the base and shouts 40/40 in the person that is caught first becomes the counter in the next game.
Cyprus being quite a poor country in them days children resorted to creating their own entertainment as I mentioned to Sarah we regularly devised our own toys one example being creating darts from feathers,tailors pins and melted tar that regularly melted from the high temperatures.
One of my ideas was to create these darts and pin them to the wall in the shape of Cyprus obviously these are not ideal toys but they amused us as kids.Children were also allowed to play with air riffles to amuse themselves our capture animals such as birds and reptiles.There is something about great weather that makes your memories much more appealing I believe, or maybe its the care free attitude if the country.


Spoke to the head teacher of Sebright primary school which my daughter attends, asking if it would be possible to host an half hour lesson with one class from each year, so as to be able to research the 'play ground games' that are currently playing apart in the shaping of memories for the future of the younger generation.The school has agreed that this will be able to take place but I am currently still awaiting written confirmation.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

following yesterdays meeting..

We need to decide what we are going to make for our exhibit by narrowing down our ideas.
I am glad they dont have to be complex and detailed art pieces considering the length of time we have left,but i feel it still needs to be something we all feel happy showing to our peers,children,family etc.
I really like the idea of having hopscotch and a post it note board,maybe with the research we have already got AND inviting the public to write down their thoughts.
Skipping is another good one...OH and conkers,(obviously before schools went mad about health and safety!)though considering the season we might have to make them/or project them?

Hatty,those darts you were talking about sound fab,any other childhood games?

Becky,do you think you could bring the space hopper in?lol

theres also the pat a cake,cats cradle etc x

more pics from the childhood museum..

more pics from the childhood museum..

Monday 14 March 2011

market research from facebook

(Brighton Pier...I used to stay here in my Nans caravan during the holidays :-) )

As Hatty came up with the amazing idea of asking through BB what different peoples thoughts are on what childhood is to them..i.e fave film,memories,holiday destination etc.. I asked my friends through Facebook and here are their responses(some people really opened up!):

Holland park feeding squirrels!

A dream I wished it never ended as life it self was a playground and it was like a dream.
childhood is the best gift from the god where we hav no fear n enjoy
every moment of life .
for me it is like eating lots of cookies n candy playing with frind every
time n getting toys n love
i wish i could live my childhood life again :D

Toys and lots of it. Specially cars.

so it means cartons like"Candy","Casimir" it was a french tv show with a sweet monster

Beauty and the beast - Tom & Jerry - Weymouth

evil doll on tv, carpets, two & three floored flat, contret walls, burgess park refered to as "trip to the seaside!", yapping alot but having to keep secrets, tales from the greatess storyteller in the world (Vincenzo Paese aka Pappa :P), fencing swords that were never to be touched - put oh so fun to secretly play with siblings :D, confusing teachers with italian and parents with english lol, snapping my fingers one day and knowing the intermediate workings of mathematical problem solving, ascociating loud noises/high vocals and raised voices indifferent to shouting, being afraid of the world, lacking social understanding, absent weekends, absent school days, monthly blood tests, bi-monthly gp visits, ever increasing obesiety, the start of mental illness and the loss of remaining childhood.......

Blissful and happy - a world without complications

First memory to come to mind is playing with my old dog in the garden/military base and causing chaos. Digging up my mums garden, and generally running around like a menace

i had a big family and a large group of cousins that i grew up with...our parents kinda just left us to do what we wanted nd i remember we were always in the garden digging up stuff and making potions by crushing up lots of flowers, playing 'it' and stuff like that.

I honestly relate to all subjects you mentioned, very hard to pick one. My five senses are very powerful on bringing me back in time. I would say all above.

Barefoot, shorts, trees and lots of sunshine!

Being small enough to be carried along a bit in strong winds when I jumped. Even if it wasn’t true, it FELT true!
So. Many. Cartoons. Transformers, The A Team, Knight Rider and Street Hawk, Spiderman, me crying when Superman lost his powers in Superman II.
Getting my knees ripped up playing in the adventure playground or on the particularly rough concrete in our school playground, and feeling proud! Picking scabs was a real favourite pastime of mine, That and throwing myself around, so that was convenient.
Refusing to eat … so many things – too bitter, too sour, too squelchy, too solid, too green, too brown or too purple. There was no such thing as too sweet.
Going through the whole sequence of: Girls OK, girls different, girls yucky (didn’t last long), girls confusing, girls the best thing ever in the world ever.
Panini stickers (got, got, got, need, need, got, need, got, got, got)
Living with a completely different visual perspective – everything is above you, the only things your height are other kids exactly your age or the various body parts of the adults around you (early on you’re thigh-height, then your surrounded by waists, then there are bellies everywhere etc)
You could just decide to be in a make-believe world for as long as you like. “Right, so, we’re on a pirate ship and here’s the steering wheel and I’m the captain Haha! You’re standing in the water! Now you’ve got to drown and I’ll save you.” (very matter-of-fact)
I often felt a bit intimidated with the “cool” kids, so my friendships were more one-to-one, which then grew into more one-to-ones and ended up as a group, rather than coming into a group and making everyone think “Wow, he’s so cool”, which is obviously what happens now ;o)
Walking in the park was a big memory, and whenever I did it I remember the overwhelming urge to run and jump and then run some more for no apparent reason, not really needing a reason, but going absolutely hell-for-leather until I couldn’t stand up anymore, preferably collapsing in a dramatic heap in the grass. Hopefully dog-poo free, but I could only hope as I wouldn’t check

This is a good one: being happy, creative and imaginative dressing up as Diana Ross and Whitney Houston. I loved sylvanian families the getalong gang, bananarama and tears for fears. But I remember feeling really, lost, helpless and sad. I felt lonely as a child even though I was constantly surrounded by people. From about 7 I felt very different to the other kids. I wasn't a normal child. I was a big thinker, very bright and sensitive. Loud and generally weird. Id make my own clothes and wear them to school. I was bullied but witty enough to retaliate. Nothings changed really. Now I make a career of it.

I think childhood was a confusing time. I wouldn't go back there apart from I'd like the sensation of being smaller than other people. I
Remember getting an achey arm from holding mums hand because I had to reach up.

Childhood to me is;

Playing in the kiddy section of the mall in Chiang Mai (Thailand),
Eating sticky rice with sweet mangoes,
Grandma's hand fed food always tasting better than eating from my own plate,
Sharing that glass of coke with my puppy love, James at the annual sports day,
Reading Goosebumps late into the night and always having to sleep with the night light on,
Catching fire flies with my sisters,
Getting bitten by that naughty little baby rabbit,
Camp outs in the backyard and always burning the marshmallows for my smoors!

Sunday 13 March 2011

just found this!!

I was just searching on the internet and found this on flickr,
I know this is random, but the knitting just reminded me of the sterotype of granny's knitting the most horrondous clothing for you, and that you have to wear it when ever she comes round.

Iconic Childhood memory associations

Hey girls,
I did a questionaire sort of thing of facebook and similar things kept occuring:
Dream toys that they wanted/got that were in fashion. Aka latest Barbies, pods,  tamagotchi.
Baking with mum, eating and smelling it.
Fights with siblings and family holidays
And pets!!
Have you got similar things or additional ones.

Hope this is helpful

tomorrows meeting

is at 2.30pm for our group,as long as its on time and it doesnt go on too long i should be able to come.yay!! i will head off after to the open day.
im glad about this as i didnt want to let u guys down. x