Friday 20 May 2011

Well done girlies!!!

I think overall the exhibtion went really well. Our space although not perfect was kept together by Sarah's  piece with it linking the 3 sides of the column. It gave it some unity. The colour of the walls wasn't great and you right Sarah white would of looked great in contrast with Hatty's work.
I think next time I may create a pva and sand version of the sand castle to prevent it crumbling due to vibrations. I did try to use spray mount a protective layer however that just left it tacky shine to it. The joys of hind sight.
The boards that Sarah used I think really brought in the viewers and allowed them to interact with a piece which I believe was a fantastic idea.

Overall I believe it was a suscess. Well done!!!

p.s. well done sarah on the uploads of the photo. I just couldn't seem to upload even one grrrr darn this blog.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

exhibtion pictures

Most of the responses from our peers where quite sweet-cant believe someone put "daddy stop" though!!

Exhibition pictures

It was lovely that my kids could get involved with our show-and other groups.They really enjoyed it-especially the spray gun one which i thought was a brilliant idea.


It was great to see people interacting with our exhibtion-and i felt it worked well together-especially how our work was displayed.

It would have been great if the background was white rather than brown to help set off the artworks-especially Hattys, and also the hopscotch felt a bit lost outside.Maybe if we had some kind of invitation to play it with the rest of our work?

Overall i think it went well and hopefully our marks will reflect that.

Well done girls!! :-)

Sunday 15 May 2011

GIRLS all the best for tomorrow cant wait to set it all up and see how it looks i'll see you both in the morning.x
left: my shadow of Cyprus with bulls eyes.Other pics of my feathers during and after the spraying process.

maps of Cyprus and the outline that i used as my template to create my piece.

sourced from google image.

incredible feather sculptures

The artist is Kate MccGwire she creates these divine feather sculptures from mostly discarded pigeon feathers,each feather is intricately placed to produce these uniquely mesmerising beauties, i catch myself constantly wondering how? how she created each beautiful sculpture. really like her work.

fantastic feathers

An artist called Ian Davie creates these beautiful painting onto discarded feathers, mostly depicting wildlife scenes. i found them fascinating and amazing the skill required to create these pieces is unimaginable .

flustered feathers

The feathers that i sourced from the farm are in my eyes not big enough so i brought some from the local art shop i wanted to use black ones to tie in with the colour theme of black tar but unfortunately black feathers were not an option so i managed to get some purple ones and brought some Dylon hand wash dye in an attempt to dye the feathers black after leaving them to soak for over 2 hours the feathers were still resisting the dye, so i had to determine another way to create my desired effect i experimented by using the same black gloss spray i had used earlier to paint the shadow of Cyprus.The effect was fantastic, once sprayed i moulded the feather when still wet whilst wearing protective gloves a placed on some non pigmented paper to dry upon seeing the result i continued to repeat this process with the remaining feathers and allow them to dry.
Once dried i trimmed the shafts of the feathers an filled with super glue and attached the pins again allowing them to set/dry.
I am not attaching the darts to their target board until i set up for the exhibition as i do not want to be left with visible hole and obviously transporting the work is a delicate operation.

catch me up

throughout this blog i have been unable to comment on other posts for some reason my computer wont allow me to do so i have had nothing but problems,also never receive emails when new blogs r posted. Being unable to log in has been a big problem for me.
So here is a catch up of my work.

Upon deciding that i would use my memory of Cyprus and the feather darts i used to make as a child with my cousin i have been collecting feathers from my local farm(Hackney City Farm) in east London as mentioned previously an trimming the tip of the feathers shaft to load it with a tailors pin and some super glue to hold it in place.

originally i had planned to create my outlined or shadowed image of Cyprus onto a canvas into which i could pin in the feathers around the outline but on further thinking this through have decided to make my silotte of Cyprus my target that i stick my feather darts into,cork board would allow me to do this as drawing or painting directly onto the walls of the exhibition space would present me with difficulties as the feather darts are very delicate and can be broken easily.
A trip to my local art store proved negative when trying to acquire cork board so instead i opted for foam board as it is easily cut with a craft knife,next i printed off an outline of Cyprus sourced from google image as a standard jpeg i wanted to be able to print off a template to cut around to fit the A0 board but was unable to do so.Instead i traced the image on to assetate paper and set up a light in a dark room to project the image once this was completed i tidied up my projected sketch an trimmed around my lines with as craft knife which cut easily through the foam board.
I used a black gloss spray to cover both sides and the edges of the piece leaving outside to dry(the reason for choosing black gloss paint is that for me it represents the tar with which we used to adhere the pins to the feathers).
i then created a mini black, white and red dart board which i will place over the area where my Nans house is located ( central Cyprus -Lefkosa as the Turks call it).I will be pinning the darts into this area i used spray mount to adhere it to the main body as i find this product quick an effective.


Good luck for tomorrow guys!! :-)

Final Piece

Hey guys, hope your having a great weekend.

I am quite impressed I made this on one attempt

The bucket is full of shells,

I have taken some every rough drafts of on possible displays of my piece above. I must add I have dropped the back drop of the beach as I felt it would distract too much from the shells and bucket visually. I want it looking as clean as possible with minimal colour and I really like the contrast between the sand and bucket/shells it really brings out both I feel.

Which do you feel is better? I think the one with the sand castle is best, however depending on space I will have to choose the first one. I feel the spilt ones are symbolic of memories pouring out and in this visual reference that of childhood holidays to the beach.

I hope you like it.

Friday 13 May 2011


Hiya guys,
Hope you are all great and ready for monday.
Just a couple of things: i must remember to buy chalk and to collect pebbles for monday and also,our studio space is going to be locked away all unless i get security to let me in my screens wont be part of the show!
I spoke to reception about it and he hasnt got a problem with letting me in,i just need Rosemaries permission.Problem is I have emailed her and she hasnt replied as of yet.
I can only hope that on Monday either she will be there or otherwise i will speak to Ben about it?
Dont forget to bring in your coversheets to hand in to Ben :-)
Have a fab weekend!x

Wednesday 11 May 2011

on a different subject..

Ian has emailed regarding the meeting dates:
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you about the dates for James Wisdom's visit, it looks like the 19th May (thursday) the 20th May (friday or the 3rd June look like the best dates. I am inclined to go for thursday 19th May. What are your views on this.
its important that we are there to talk about the pros/cons of studying at London Met if we want our views heard,this will definately be a step in the right direction!I think thursday the 19th too would be better,what about u guys?x

Monday 9 May 2011

Todays meeting,

Hey guys,

Just thought I should put this up that we need to take photos of the exhibit for Camila just in case she doesn't make it to the exhibition. Lets hope we can get work up from 10.30am, that is going to be a very hetic day!!!

Maybe we should put up on the blog estimated sizes of our pieces and idealistic way of exhibiting it as well.

What do you think?

I got sent this

from Camilla:
Dear Sarah,
I wondered if you could pass the message on to Rebecca, that there are
already a number of shelves in position in Unit 2 Gallery, which she may
be able to make use of for her shelf piece. She should go and have a
And thinking of your chalk hopscotch piece, we didn't think chalk will
take too well to the floor,as its surface has no tooth. So it would be a
great deal more practical -and appropriate!- to do the hopscotch outside.
Best Wishes,
Its brilliant that there are already shelves, save you doing some extra work hun and i prefer the idea of the hopsctch being outside.what do u think?x

Saturday 7 May 2011

re-scheduled meeting..

has been moved to this monday,at the same time...i tried to comment on my last post about this but it didnt work.really getting frustrated with this blog.
on the positive side i have got a babysitter for the 31st so i will be there for oral feedback-heres hoping there wont be any more sessions during half term!
hows everyones work for the exhibtion coming along?x

Friday 6 May 2011

group meetings...

as i mentioned earlier we have a group meeting to speak about our aims for the exhibition on:
monday 19th May at 2.20PM with Camilla-i think at the studios
and an oral feedback,also with camilla at 2.20pm on the tues31st.
I have just gotten a newsletter from my daughters school and their half-term is between the 30th-3rd,typical!!I am going to try to get a babysitter organised. x

Tuesday 3 May 2011

my finished screens

As you can see, the hinges are on and it folds up pretty well so hopefully they can be included in the show-but only if you guys feel it will work with the rest of the pieces?so happy they are done-it was quite a painful process remembering some of these memories though also quite therapeutic. A reminder for me to be proud of the person i have become so definatley a positive experience overall.:-)

fingers crossed this works!!

Aparantley you can blog via your email so here goes!!
I came across these in Tescos and pick a couple up. I thought they would be more suitable for our exhibition as they include everything we need to hang them. It saves us the complication of dragging a large piece of wood and worrying about the weight/appearance etc.I could always pick up some more if you guys think two isnt enough?Also, the colour fits in with your installation Becky! x

A work update

I did try pushing shells I collected into a roll of clay and then I proceeded to pour plaster into these mould's, however I found the shells produced were thin, fragile and therefore I deemed this method as anulled. I then came up with the idea that I should use a chocolate mould I found on Amazon. It provided more sturdier symmetric  shells. A generic shell is much more fitting with the concept I would like to proceed with as stated above. I thought i should add the reason I choose plaster as a medium as I enjoy its properties and its colour is appropriate for this assignment.

This is what they look like after they popped out of the mould, I am struggling to form perfect shell moulds without air bubbles forming.

This is how many I have produced so far, I think I may need to double the number, what do you think?

This is a closer version of the shells.

Should I scape the insides out of the shells or leave it solid?

Ok girls, I my need your imagination here, I will fill  a bucket with sand and these shells, like this very rough image of what it will look like and then have more shells on sand scatter around the bucket with a spade. It will be an installation piece representing the generic memory all people seem to hold when they think of beach childhood holidays. 

Do you like the concept?

My concept for my piece,

Ok, this my concept for the project girlies so please comment if you can.
I am wanting to create a an installation piece of sorts using the theme of childhood beach holidays. As through my research and asking friends and family. There is the generic theme of playing in  the sand, building sand castles and finding/collecting shells.
So I have been experimenting with ideas on how to represent it and bring the research I have made to produce a piece.

I was thinking of backing a back drop , a college of sorts like the Susan Hiller (see above) using imagery like I have already uploaded on the blog. Then in front of it I was wanting to have a bucket and spade, sand and shells.
As though recreating the generic imagery associated with a childhood beach holiday and keeping with the general public ideal of this holiday I will keep the colour's of the shells/bucket/spade white to keep this generalisation. Its neutral, and its purpose is a prompter combined with the post cards to take the viwer's back to that time in their lives.  (I know its badly phased, I do apologise for this.)

Please tell me what you think???

Tate visit with Sarah and Julia 23rd April

These are a few photos I was able yo take of the Orzoco's exhibtion in the Tate modern. Although I wasnt fortunate to take photos of the pieces I did enjoy of his work, I can say very easily this a man with vast ability to work in many mediums and styles of Art fluently. I found his most famous piece being the skull with graphite drawings of a check design disturbing. I just didn't feel right to use a human skull in that manner.
Sarah was able to take photos of the pieces I enjoyed the most and will comment accordingly.