Friday 20 May 2011

Well done girlies!!!

I think overall the exhibtion went really well. Our space although not perfect was kept together by Sarah's  piece with it linking the 3 sides of the column. It gave it some unity. The colour of the walls wasn't great and you right Sarah white would of looked great in contrast with Hatty's work.
I think next time I may create a pva and sand version of the sand castle to prevent it crumbling due to vibrations. I did try to use spray mount a protective layer however that just left it tacky shine to it. The joys of hind sight.
The boards that Sarah used I think really brought in the viewers and allowed them to interact with a piece which I believe was a fantastic idea.

Overall I believe it was a suscess. Well done!!!

p.s. well done sarah on the uploads of the photo. I just couldn't seem to upload even one grrrr darn this blog.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

exhibtion pictures

Most of the responses from our peers where quite sweet-cant believe someone put "daddy stop" though!!

Exhibition pictures

It was lovely that my kids could get involved with our show-and other groups.They really enjoyed it-especially the spray gun one which i thought was a brilliant idea.


It was great to see people interacting with our exhibtion-and i felt it worked well together-especially how our work was displayed.

It would have been great if the background was white rather than brown to help set off the artworks-especially Hattys, and also the hopscotch felt a bit lost outside.Maybe if we had some kind of invitation to play it with the rest of our work?

Overall i think it went well and hopefully our marks will reflect that.

Well done girls!! :-)

Sunday 15 May 2011

GIRLS all the best for tomorrow cant wait to set it all up and see how it looks i'll see you both in the morning.x
left: my shadow of Cyprus with bulls eyes.Other pics of my feathers during and after the spraying process.

maps of Cyprus and the outline that i used as my template to create my piece.

sourced from google image.